Looks like the map is going over well. Here’s what’s happened so far.

Dion Hinchcliffe says:

“Visually shows where Web 2.0 development creativity is actually happening, using the latest Web 2.0 software lists. A pretty cool data point.”

Google Maps Mania posted its review:

“Ryan Williams has put together a great new Google Maps mashup called ‘The Web 2.0 Innovation Map’”

Emily Chang added it to eHub and is going to let me see the entire feed. This will make the next step, adding brief descriptions to the listings so much easier.

The Innovation Insider looks at some of the distribution.

The biggest news so far though is that the map made the del.icio.us/popular page.

Be sure to digg it if you get a chance: http://digg.com/links/Web_2.0_Innovation_Map.

Not a bad first day.