I haven’t been keeping up with the money blogs very well lately, but I did catch a couple of personal finance bits of note lately.

Dilbert’s 9-point financial plan

I think this is some very sound advice. You really don’t need to get that complicated with how you manage your money.

Moneyhacks and Get Rich Slowly

J.D. started Get Rich Slowly about six months ago and has quickly risen to the top tier of the money bloggers (see pfblog.org to learn more about money blogs). He happens to be from Portland, so it’s great to see the locals doing well. He recently added another blog, moneyhacks, focused more on tools and tips. J.D. was kind enough to include NetworthIQ last week.

CRP: Personal Financial Disclosure Reports

The Center for Responsive Politics has published a fascinating look at what lawmakers are worth. Make of it what you will. But, with elections around the corner, it’s an interesting data point to consider.